Functional and Bus Input/Output Messages and MIDS/JTRS Platform Types - ALWAYS AVAILABLE

Course length:

365 days



Course dates

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  • Pre-Recorded / Self-Paced

    Complete online at your own pace (Self-paced)
    • $600.00 excl.


From a systems integration standpoint, understanding FIM/FOM, BIM/BOM, and Platform Types can be difficult. The FxM/BxM Platform Type “Crash Course” distils and simplifies these topics, explaining them in a way that makes sense by using colourful graphics and animations.

Course Outline:

• Functional Input / Output Messages

• Bus Input / Output Messages

• MIDS Platform Types Simplified

• MIDS Platform Types Detailed

• FxMs Implemented by Every Platform Type

• External Time Reference FIMs

• TACAN Control FxMs

• Navigation FxMs

• Flow Control / Data Reduction FxMs

• Other FxMs


Patrick Pierson - a retired U.S. Navy (USN) Joint Interface Control Officer (JICO), is the Managing Director of NCS. Patrick has more than 30 years of operational Tactical Data Link (TDL) experience, and has developed more than 75 TDL training courses which have been delivered to thousands of students around the globe. He is also responsible for the design of the Multi-TDL Planning System, OPTASK Link Generator, Network Design Tool, INDE Processing Program, Improved TSDF Calculator, JFAR, JCM, JAR Generator, and the Link 16 Pulse Planning System. Prior to his retirement, Patrick served as the Theatre JICO for the Commander US Naval Forces Europe and Commander US Naval Forces Sixth Fleet, and was part of the JICO teams for Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Allied Force, and dozens of Joint and Coalition exercises.


REGISTRATION: There is no obligation or payment required to enter the Registration for an actively scheduled course. We understand that you may need approvals but please register as early as possible or contact us so we know of your interest in this course offering.

SCHEDULING: If this course is not on the current schedule of open enrollment courses and you are interested in attending this or another course as an open enrollment, please contact us at (410)956-8805 or Please indicate the course name, number of students who wish to participate. and a preferred time frame. ATI typically schedules open enrollment courses with a 3-5 month lead-time. To express your interest in an open enrollment course not on our current schedule, please email us at

For on-site pricing, you can use the request an on-site quote form, call us at (410)956-8805, or email us at